Advanced Certificate in Industrial Automation Technology

QQI Level 6 Major Award (120 Credits)

We are delighted to announce the launch of a new QQI-Accredited Major Level 6 Award, developed in conjunction with the Engineering Skillnet.

This exciting training pathway for maintenance staff has been developed in consultation with industry to support the transition to Industry 4.0 manufacturing. The award, which is made up of 8 individual modules, heavily promotes practical, applied learning, which is flexible, modularised, industry relevant and will build on existing skills to contribute to a mindset of lifelong learning.

While working within the context of best practice industrial safety procedures, the programme equips learners with the knowledge, skills, and competence to improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) in an automated manufacturing environment. Learners will embed a repeatable and effective universal troubleshooting strategy and apply logical thinking skills to fault find efficiently. They will become familiar with the as-designed working state and common faulty behaviours of a broad range of automated equipment including electrical power and control equipment, pneumatic and vacuum technology, sensors and vision, programmable control and robotics.

This course is funded by the Engineering Skillnet. Please contact Fiona Fennell [email protected] for further details.

Graduate outcomes

The regular upskilling and cross-skilling of maintenance teams is essential for ensuring the reliability, efficiency, and safety of automated systems and can give companies a real edge by increasing uptime and reducing safety-related incidents. Graduates of this programme will be in high demand with a deep understanding of technology, an ability to troubleshoot effectively and autonomously and critical collaboration and team working skills. This internationally recognised qualification will present opportunities to work in diverse areas within the manufacturing environment.

Learner profile – who should attend?

The programme is designed for adult learners, currently in employment as maintenance personnel in roles including operators, process technicians, maintenance technicians and facilities technicians (across all industries) or  those who are looking to gain employment in these roles, perhaps for the first time. Some will be looking to upskill to achieve a Level 6 Major Award while others will want to cross skill across technical disciplines (e.g., mechanical to electrical). Digital and automated manufacturing environments require personnel who have technical skills across a range of applications and systems. This programme will appeal to operators, toolmakers, process technicians, maintenance technicians who want to extend their technical skill sets to span electrical, mechanical, and electronic systems.

Employers report that staff can lack developed skills, safe practical application, and confidence and ability to troubleshoot faulty equipment safely and autonomously. Our training programmes offer hands on opportunity to practise on training kits and computer simulations of industrial equipment. The multi modal delivery, with self-directed online resources combined with classroom-based training appeals to learners who are working full time and welcome the opportunity to revise and practise key skills remotely at a time that suits.

The target learner group may have a previous Level 6 qualification, but it may be in a specialist craft area or in a non-technical area. This programme will also have appeal for Level 7 and Level 8 trained Engineers (Controls, Mechatronics, Electrical) who may wish to upskill in particular areas that are more prevalent in their workplace, perhaps since they trained originally. The elective pool components may be of particular interest to this category and as a result there are a number of embedded programmes leading to individual minor awards included in this programme.

Entry criteria

Applicants must have a Level 5 qualification; this includes Leaving Certificate or other qualifications that have been recognised as equivalent to a major award at level 5 on the NFQ. Learners must have achieved at least an O5 in Leaving Certificate Mathematics.

Prospective learners should either be already working in a technical role in the maintenance sector or have a desire to work in the maintenance sector while being able to demonstrate evidence of technical interest/ aptitude. They will also be expected to have an ability to be able to work online with basic Microsoft tools.

Advanced entry

Learners will be able to apply for exemptions for existing qualifications such as CAS awards on the NFQ at a similar level. We will be operating a system of Recognition of Prior Learning for these modules.

Duration and delivery mode

For learners signing up to the full programme from the outset, there are 3 semesters, with 3 and 2 modules per semester. Individual modules will involve up to 6 days of face to-face. Courses are generally spread over 3 weeks with additional self-directed online learning to be completed between course days. Some modules have project assessments and time will be built in between modules to complete projects. Learners complete 6 core modules and will select two elective modules. Each module will lead to a QQI Level 6 Minor award. There are 8 modules:

Award modules


Elective (choose two)